NAU Biology BIO 226
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BIO226 : Individual : Environmental Variation : Review Questions

Environmental Variation: Review Questions

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DUE: 22-Jan-99. Work sent after this date will receive a grade of zero.

1. The great deserts of the world occur in areas near 30o north and south latitude.

a) Name one such desert from each of four different continents.

b) What is the reason for the occurrence of these arid areas in this latitudinal band?

2. The climate and vegetation of high altitudes resemble those of sea-level localities at higher latitudes.

a) What is responsible for this pattern of change in vegetation and climate?

b) In what ways does this pattern in vegetation and climate not hold?

3. Edaphic factors can drastically alter vegetation communities in adjacent areas of the same locality.

a) What are edaphic factors?

b) Give an example of how edaphic factors drastically alter vegetation communities in adjacent areas of the same locality.

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