NAU Biology BIO 226
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BIO226 : Predation/Competition : Coevolution : Review Questions

Coevolution: Review Questions

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DUE: 19-Mar-99. Work sent after this date will receive a grade of zero.
1. Batesian mimicry and Müllerian mimicry both contribute to the survival of potential prey.

a) What is Batesian mimicry and Müllerian mimicry?

b) What conditions are necessary for Batesian mimicry to be effective?

2. What are four ways that plants are "defended" against herbivores?

3. Interactions between species often have a genetic component. What was (were) the genetic component(s) and the evidence for it (them) in the following interactions:

a) myxoma virus and rabbits.

b) houseflies and wasps.

a) wheat and rust.

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