NAU Biology BIO 226
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BIO226 : Predation/Competition : Coevolution : Interaction

Exercise: Interaction

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DUE: 19-Mar-99. Work sent after this date will receive a grade of zero.
The bat on the left is interacting with the flowering plant.

1. With reference to Table 18.1 on page 400, what are the possible interactions that may be going on between the bat and the plant? What are the possible reciprocal effects of each species on the other, i.e., your hypotheses?

2. How can you determine what is really going on, i.e., which hypothesis is correct?

a) What observations would you need to make?

b) What experiments would you need to do?

3. If you suspect that coevolution has occurred between the bat and the plant, what evidence besides the observations and experiment would you need for a definitive conclusion? Explain.

4. What is the definition of coevolution that applies in this case?

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E-mail Professor Gaud at
or call (520) 523-7516
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