NAU Biology BIO 326
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BIO326 : Predation/Competition : Predation : Rates

Exercise: Rates

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DUE: 17-Mar-2000. Work sent after this date will receive a grade of zero.

1. In Fig 15.11 on page 343, Ricklefs draws a graph of a population growing according to the logistic model. The y-axis shows the number of organisms in the population at any time given on the x-axis.

The number of individuals added to the population at each instant of time is the rate at which the population changes. This rate can be found by taking a tangent to the population growth curve at a point of interest. The slope of the tangent gives the rate of change. At what point in Fig 15.11 is the rate of change greatest, i.e., the tangent steepest? At what point is it the smallest? What is the rate when it is smallest?

2. Can you use this technique of finding the tangent with the greatest slope to determine the rate of recruitment of a population that is equivalent to the maximum sustainable yield? Explain.

3. What relationship does the technique of finding the tangents have to Fig 20.16 on page 470? Explain.

4. Fig 20.14 on page 468 is a graph of two lines, each representing a different rate. Why is Point B an equilibrium point? Why is the equilibrium represented by Point B unstable? Explain.

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