NAU Biology BIO 372
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BIO372 : Extinction : Mass Extinctions : Exercise: Volcanoes

Exercise: Volcanoes

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DUE: 24-Mar-2000 Assignments sent after the due date will receive a grade of zero.
Volcanoes can have significant impacts locally and globally. They provide a pipeline from the livable surface of the earth to the hot inside of the planet.

1. Are volcanoes randomly distributed on earth, or do they occur only in certain places? Explain.

2. What types of volcanoes are there? Does the kind of lava that comes out of a volcano give clues to its origin?

3. The volcanist hypothesis for mass extinctions suggested that acid rain and a greenhouse effect could follow eruptions. What evidence shows that these two events could be possible?

4. In the two volcanic periods which produced the Deccan Traps (also) and the Siberian Traps, the eruptions were extensive. Why is the time during which these eruptions occurred critical to evaluating the volcanist hypothesis? Explain.

5. In 1963, an eruption pushed the island Surtsey out of the sea near Iceland. Do you think that life would originate anew on this barren volcanic island as it did billions of years ago? Explain.

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