Burgess Shale Trilobite Community

Burgess shale trilobite community:http://www.trilobites.info/Burgess.htm

Some of the diversity of the Burgess Shale biota is depicted in the drawing above by Sam Gon III and John Whorrall. Trilobites such as Olenoides serratus (1) were a minority among a diversity of arthropods such as Sidneyia (9), Waptia (17), Helmetia (13), Sanctacaris (18), Tegopelte (15), Naraoia (16), Leanchoilia (10), Canadaspis (12), Odaraia (19), Marrella (11), and Burgessia (14), as well as oddities such as Opabinia (24), Wiwaxia (26), Hallucigenia (20), and the giant predator, Anomalocaris (28).
Excerpted from: Trilobites of the Burgess Shale, Canada