Early Myths of Deluge and Flood
The story of a great flood that destroyed the Earth appears in several civilizations of the early Middle East, and the version in Genesis is more familiar in the western world than the others. A local flood that actually occurred much earlier in the area may have provided an historical basis that was subsequently elaborated to mythological proportions in the various "epics." Nevertheless, the mythological deluge and innundation became an instrument in the conflict between gods and man in those early days. Below is a table comparing versions of the story from civilizations in the region. Ironically, the cause of the conflict in the Atrahasis epic and the reason to destroy the human race was the growing human population density and the environmental degradation that resulted.

Eridu Genesis Atrahasis Gilgameš Bible Berossus Greece Quran
Date 3d millennium BCE c.1640 BCE c.1100 BCE c.1000-500 BCE 278 BCE c.700 BCE? c.600 CE
Revolt ? lesser gods ? giants? monsters? giants -
Hero Ziusudra Atrahasis Ut-napištim Noah Xisuthrus Deucalion Nuh
Country Šuruppuk Šuruppak Šuruppak - Sippar Thessaly -
Destroyer Enlil Enlil Enlil YHWH Enlil Zeus Allah
Warning Vision Dream Indirect order Direct order Dream ? Direct order
Reason Noise? Noise ? Sin, giants ? Sin, giants Sin
Cause Stormflood Rain Stormflood Rain, fountains - Rain, waves "from the valley"
Savior Enki Enki Enki YHWH Enki Prometheus Allah
Period 7 days 7 days 7 days 150/40 days "quickly" 9 days ?
Birds ? ? raven, dove, swallow doves/raven "several" none -
Destination ? - Nimuš Ararat Gordyene Parnassus Al-Gudi
Fate Eternal life Eternal life Eternal life Three sons Eternal life 3 grandsons -
Excerpted and adapted from: The great Flood: the Epic of Atrahasis