Gary K. Vallen, Ed.D.
Curriculum Vita
Gary K. Vallen, Ed.D,
has been a Professor at Northern Arizona University since
1988. Prior to joining NAU, Dr. Vallen gained extensive experience
in the hospitality, lodging, and casino gaming industries.
Known as a well-rounded faculty member, he is sought by students
and operators alike for his depth of knowledge and breadth
of industry awareness. Dr. Vallen can be reached at:
Northern Arizona University
School of Hotel and Restaurant Mgmt
NAU Box 5638
Flagstaff, Arizona 86011
Office: (928) 523-1702; Fax: 523-1711
- Doctorate in Educational Leadership with an emphasis
in Hotel and Restaurant Management (December, 1991) from Northern Arizona
University: Center for Excellence in Education, Flagstaff, Arizona.
- Master of Business Administration with an emphasis
in Marketing and Finance (May, 1985) from the University of Nevada at
Reno: College of Business Administration.
- Bachelor of Science in
Hotel Administration
(May, 1979) from the University of Nevada at Las Vegas: William F. Harrah
College of Hotel Administration.
Professor; Northern Arizona
University: School of Hotel and Restaurant Management, Flagstaff, Arizona.
(July 1988 - Present). Specialties: hospitality management, lodging operations,
and casino gaming. Experience teaching Front Office Management, Hospitality
Automation, Casino Management, Introduction to the Hospitality Industry and
the Senior Seminar capstone course. Promoted from Lecturer to Assistant
Professor in 1992. Promoted to Associate Professor with tenure in 1994.
Promoted to Full Professor in 2000.
(Regional) Organizational Responsibilities:
- Active Member; Council
on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Educators (1988-2000).
- Commissioner; National
Board of Commissioners of Accreditation Commission for Programs in Hospitality
Administration (ACPHA)--Council on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional
Educators (1996-2000).
- Editor; Board of Editors--Cornell
HRA Quarterly Research Forum Journal (1994-2000).
- National Advisory
Board Member; Hospitality Advisory Board for Greyhills Academy High
School (1996-2000).
- Editor; Board of Editors--The
Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Education (1996-2000).
- Editor; Board of Editors--Praxis;
The Journal of Applied Hospitality Management (1998-2000).
- CHRIE International
Conference Task Force Member; CHRIE’s 1999 International Conference,
Albuquerque, New Mexico (1997-1999).
- Governor; National
Board of Governors for Eta Sigma Delta Honor Society--Council on Hotel,
Restaurant, and Institutional Educators (1992-1995).
- Senior Advisor; CHRIE’s Eta Sigma Delta
Honor Society (1988-2000).
- Member; University Intercollegiate Athletics
Committee (1997-2000).
- Member; NAU Parent Services Family Weekend
Committee (1998-2000).
- Member; HRM Curriculum Committee--School
of Hotel and Restaurant Management (1992-2000).
- Chair; HRM Casino Nite Scholarship Fundraising
Event (1994-2000).
- Editor; Combined Faculty-Effort Textbook
entitled A Host of Opportunities (second edition)--School of Hotel and
Restaurant Management (1998-2000).
- Chairperson; HRM/Greyhills Academy High
School Academic Outreach Relationship (1988-2000).
- Member; University Curriculum Committee
- Editor; Combined Faculty-Effort Textbook
entitled A Host of Opportunities (first edition)--School of Hotel and
Restaurant Management (1993-1996).
- Founding Member; Campus Conservation Committee
- Subteam Leader and Task Force Member; President's
Committee on Visions for the Nineties (1990-1993).
- Mentor; S.T.A.R. Mentoring Program (1992-1993).
- Invited Member; President's Council on Economic
Development (1991-1993).
- Member; Graduation Committee--School of
Hotel and Restaurant Management (1988-1993).
- Chairperson and Member; Graduation Committee--School
of Hotel and Restaurant Management (1988-1993).
- Chairperson; Academic Assessment Committee--School
of Hotel and Restaurant Management (1991-1992).
- Chairperson; Prerequisite Task Force--School
of Hotel and Restaurant Management (1991-1992).
- Member; Residence Life Advisory Council
- Member; NAU’s Committee for International
Studies (1991-1992).
- Member; Academic Long Range Planning Committee
- Member; Ad Hoc Grade Appeal Hearing Committee--Center
for Excellence in Education (1992).
President; University Associates Incorporated,
Las Vegas, Nevada and Flagstaff, Arizona (January 1992 - Current). Leadership
role in private hospitality consulting firm. Responsible for marketing and
promotion, negotiating contracts, and analyzing a wide-range of consulting
projects. Special areas of recognition include feasibility studies for hotels
and resorts; Native American tourism development studies; demographic and
economic impact analyses of major events, festivals, rodeos, etc.; and casino
gaming management.
Vice President and Assistant General Manager;
Airport Plaza Hotel, Reno, Nevada (June 1985 - May 1988). Overall responsibility
for operation of 268 room corporate hotel and casino. Functioned as Vice-President,
Assistant General Manager of operations, Resident Manager and Director of
Food and Beverage. Amenities included 175-seat restaurant and lounge, 6,000
square feet of convention space, and a 2,500 square foot casino. Supervised
all department heads, prepared annual budgets, and established standards
and procedures throughout the entire property.
Sales Manager; Harrah's Hotel/Casino, Reno,
Nevada (May 1981 - June 1985). Supervised sales department of a 4-star and
4-diamond hotel/casino with 465 rooms and 11,000 square feet of convention
area. Responsible for selling all hotel rooms, convention space, and related
amenities to corporate and tour/travel groups. Supervised entire sales/marketing
team, sales secretaries/receptionists, and banquet coordinators. Held a
number of other positions at Harrah's, including:
1. Financial
Analyst in Operations Planning--reported directly to Senior
Vice President of Planning. Responsible for budgets in all major Harrah's
departments, quarterly, and annual reports. Corporate position with
responsibility across entire Harrah's chain.
2. Financial
Intern in Strategic Planning--responsible for five/ten year plans as well as assessing
new investments.
3. Casino
Dealer in Blackjack and Craps--casino dealer (part-time while
holding other positions with Harrah's). Earned highest score on Craps
Dealer exam in Harrah's history.
Trainer and Top Ten Waiter; TGI Friday's
Restaurants, Houston, Texas (March 1980 - March 1981). Ranked as one of
the top ten waiters, consistent highest sales volume award winner. Assisted
with training and opening of Houston #2 and San Bruno #1 restaurants. Granted
"traveling papers" to work at any TGI Friday's in the country.
Associate Manager; Club Corporation of America,
Dallas, Texas (May 1979 -March 1980). Club Manager for a corporation of
private clubs nation-wide. Extensive training in kitchen and elegant front
house service. Club assignments included: Lancer's Club (Dallas); Plaza
and University Clubs (Houston).
Textbook Reviewer; evaluate texts and
recommend additional topic coverage. (Van Nostrand Reinhold and Prentice
Survey Research Specialist; distribute and track survey results at most North American
ski resorts. (Ski Magazine)
Publicity Coordinator; develop, distribute, and track numerous
casino promotions. (Sahara Hotel and Casino)
Front Office Supervisor. (Palace Station Hotel/Casino)
Convention Coordinator. (Rankin Convention Consultants)
Concessions Technician. (Yosemite National Park)
Ground Handler and Ticket Agent. (Canadian Pacific Air)
Internship. (Imperial Palace and Riviera Hotels/Casinos)
- Vallen, G. and Vallen, J.
(2000). Check-In Check-Out (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey:
Prentice Hall, Publishers.
- Vallen, G. and Vallen, J.
(2000). Instructor’s Manual and Test Bank to Accompany Check-In Check-Out
(6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, Publishers.
- Vallen, G. and Rande W. (2000)
Burnout Projections Among Bed and Breakfast Innkeepers; A Synopsis
of Research. Conference Proceedings from Sixth Bi-Annual Conference
of Professional Association of Innkeepers International. Santa Barbara,
California: PAII.
- Vallen, G., Cothran, C. and
Combrink, T. (1999). The Promotion of Native American Employees
within Tribal-Owned Casinos. The "Bottomline Journal of the
International Association of Hospitality Accountants, 14 (2), 24-28
(an invited submission).
- Vallen, G. and Rande W. (1998)
1997 Demographic and Psychographic Study of Arizona Bed and Breakfast
Guests. Conference Proceedings from Fifth Bi-Annual Conference of
the Professional Association of Innkeepers International. Santa Barbara,
California: PAII.
- Vallen, G. (1998). Investment
and Management Agreements for Native American Tourism Enterprises: Case
Studies from Arizona. A chapter in the refereed text entitled Tourism
and Gaming on American Indian Lands (Edited by Lew and Van Otten).
Elmsford, New York: Cognizant Communication Corporation.
- Note: This is a unique refereed textbook.
Authors submitted chapters for refereed review and acceptance.
This article was accepted for publication in the 14th
chapter of the text.
- Vallen, G., Cothran, C. and
Combrink, T. (1998). Indian Gaming--Are Tribal Employees Being Promoted
to Management Positions in Arizona Casinos? Cornell Hotel &
Restaurant Administration Quarterly, 39 (4), 56-63.
- Vallen, G. and Agrusa, J.
(1997). Perceptions and Attitudes of Residents and Tourists Towards
the Legalization of Gaming in Hawaii. The "Bottomline Journal
of the International Association of Hospitality Accountants, 12 (1),
29-34 (an invited submission).
- Vallen, G. (1997). Hosting
a Successful Casino Nite Scholarship Fundraiser. Association for
Casino Education; University of New Orleans--Annual Conference Proceedings.
- Vallen, G. and Rande, W. (1997).
Bed and Breakfasts in Arizona--Demographics and Operating Statistics.
Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, 38 (4),62-68.
- Vallen, G. and Vallen, J.
(1996). Instructor’s Manual and Test Bank to Accompany Check-In Check-Out
(5th ed.). Burr Ridge, Illinois: Richard D. Irwin, Publishers.
- Vallen, G. and Agrusa, J.
(1996). Respondent Perceptions of Legalized Gaming in Hawaii.
University of Nevada, Las Vegas' Gaming Educator Conference--Annual
Conference Proceedings.
- Vallen, G. and Rande, W. (1996).
Bed and Breakfast Operations in Arizona; 1996 Survey Results.
Professional Association of International Innkeepers--Annual Conference
- Vallen, G. (1996). Note on
Gaming in the United States--A Ten-Year Comparison. London Ontario,
Canada: International Case Clearinghouse.
- Van Hoof, H., McDonald, M.,
Yu, L., and Vallen, G. (1996). A Host of Opportunities; An Introduction
to Hospitality Management. Burr Ridge, Illinois: Richard D. Irwin,
- Van Hoof, H., McDonald, M.,
Yu, L., and Vallen, G., Editors (1996). A Host of Opportunities; An
Introduction to Hospitality Management. Vallen, G. Rooms Division
Chapter. Burr Ridge, Illinois: Richard D. Irwin, Publishers.
- Vallen, G. and Vallen, J.
(1996). Check-In Check-Out (5th ed.). Burr Ridge, Illinois: Richard
D. Irwin, Publishers.
- Lefever, M., Editor. (1996).
Hospitality in Review; A Capstone Text. Vallen, G. Casino Management
Chapter. Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company.
- Miller, W. and Vallen, G.
(1995). Ethics CPR--First Aid for the Foundering. World's Eye
View on Hospitality Trends, 9 (2), 18-20.
- Vallen, G. and Miller, W.
(1995). A Question of Ethics. Hosteur, 4 (2), 31.
- Vallen, G. (1995). Legalization
of Gaming in the United States--A Past and Current Perspective.
The "Bottomline Journal of the International Association of Hospitality
Accountants, 10 (1), 14-19 (an invited submission).
- Casado, M., Miller, W., and
Vallen, G. (1994). Ethical Challenges of the Industry: Are Graduates
Prepared? The FIU Hospitality Review, 12 (1), 1-7.
- Vallen, G. (1994). Semi-Autonomous
Operations of Tribal-Owned Enterprises. Tucson, Arizona: University
of Arizona--65th Arizona Town Hall Report (an invited submission).
- Vallen, G. (1994). Specific
Examples of Semi-Autonomous Operations of Tribal-Owned Enterprises.
Tucson, Arizona: University of Arizona--65th Arizona Town Hall Report
(an invited submission).
- Vallen, G. (1993). Gaming
in the United States: A Ten-Year Comparison. Cornell Hotel and Restaurant
Administration Quarterly, 34 (6), 51-58.
- Vallen, G. (1993). Organizational
Climate and Burnout. Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration
Quarterly, 34 (1), 54-59.
- Vallen, G. (1993). A Comparison
of Hospitality Burnout with Other "High Burnout" Industries.
The Hospitality and Tourism Educator, 5 (2), 31-36.
- Vallen, G., Translated by
Songfeng, Li (1992). Exploration in the Development of Rural Tourism
in the United States (Lead Article). The Journal of Tourism Science,
Shanghai Institute of Tourism, 37 (4), 3-5.
- Vallen, G. (1992). Hospitality
Burnout; Its Scope and Relationship to Management Style. Council
on Hotel Restaurant and Institutional Education--Annual Conference Proceedings.
- Vallen, G. (1992). Rural
Tourism Development; A Micro View. Shanghai Institute of Tourism/Northern
Arizona University--Conference Proceedings.
- Vallen, G. (1992). The
Senior Thesis: Academic Exercise or Community Resource. World's
Eye View on Hospitality Trends, 6 (3), 20-22.
- Vallen, J. and Vallen, G.
(1991). Test Item File to Accompany Check-In Check-Out (4th ed.).
Dubuque, Iowa: William C. Brown, Publishers.
- Vallen, G. (1991). Yield
Management--An Old Idea Revitalized by Technology (reprint). Arizona
Travel Industry Forecast 1991, 64-67.
- Vallen, G. (1991). The
Relation Between Burnout and Organizational Structure for Hospitality
Management Graduates. Dissertation. Flagstaff, Arizona: Northern
Arizona University Center for Excellence in Education.
- Vallen, J. and Vallen, G.
(1991). Check-In Check-Out (4th ed.). Dubuque, Iowa: William C. Brown,
- Vallen, G. (1990). Yield
Management--An Old Idea Revitalized by Technology. World's Eye
View on Hospitality Trends, 4 (3), 11-13.
- Vallen, G. (1989). Push
Button Amenity Package. World's Eye View on Hospitality Trends,
3 (3), 1-10.
- Burnout Projections Among
Bed and Breakfast Innkeepers; A Synopsis of Research. (March, 2000).
Refereed presentation at the Sixth Bi-Annual Conference of the Professional
Association of Innkeepers International. Hilton Head Island, South
- Meltdown in the Millenium:
Breakaway from Burnout. (March, 2000). Refereed presentation at the
Sixth Bi-Annual Conference of the Professional Association of Innkeepers
International. Hilton Head Island, South Carolina.
- Developing a Successful Hotel
and Casino Mystery Shopper Service. (August, 1999). Presented at the
1999 Annual International Council on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional
Educators Conference. Albuquerque, NM.
- Welcome to the Inn at Greyhills;
A Hospitality Program Presentation. (May, 1999). Presented at the
Second Annual National Indian School to Work Conference. Prior Lake,
- Basic Considerations in Lodging
and Visitor Services. (October, 1998). Panel Presentation at the Fifth
Annual Southwest Indian Tourism Conference. Hon-Dah, Arizona.
- Creating a Successful Charitable
Casino Night. (August, 1998). Presented at the 1998 Annual International
Council on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Educators Conference.
Miami, Florida.
- Organizing an Annual Casino
Class Field Trip. (August, 1998). Presented at the 1998 Annual International
Council on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Educators Conference.
Miami, Florida.
- Teaching Games Protection
in a Casino Classroom. (April, 1998). Presented at the Annual ACE
Gaming Educators Conference. Atlantic City, New Jersey.
- Building Partnerships within
the Hospitality Industry. (April, 1998). Presented at the Annual National
Indian School to Work Conference. Phoenix, Arizona.
- Demographic and Psychographic
Study of Arizona Bed and Breakfast Guests. (March, 1998). Refereed
presentation at the Fifth Bi-Annual Conference of the Professional Association
of Innkeepers International. San Francisco, California.
- Methods of Teaching Casino
Gaming in the Classroom. (August, 1997). Presented at the Casino Gaming
Educators' Session of the National Council on Hotel, Restaurant, and
Institutional Educators. Providence, Rhode Island.
- Hosting a Successful Casino
Nite Scholarship Fundraiser. (January, 1997). Presented at the University
of New Orleans' Association for Casino Education Conference. New Orleans,
- Stakeholder Views and Perceptions
of Educators. (January, 1997). Presented at the Navajo/Hopi Summit
on Economic Development & Tourism. Tuba City, Arizona.
- NAU and Greyhills Academy
High School; Pragmatic Academic Relationship. (October, 1996). Presented
at National Indian Education Assoc. 27th Annual Conference.
Rapid City, SD.
- Respondent Perceptions of
Legalized Gaming in Hawaii. (May, 1996). Presented at the University
of Nevada, Las Vegas' Gaming Educator Conference. Las Vegas, Nevada.
- Bed and Breakfast Operations
in Arizona. (April, 1996). Presented at the Professional Association
of International Innkeepers Annual Conference. San Antonio, Texas.
- The Greyhills Hospitality
Program; A Training Model of Greyhills High School and Northern Arizona
University. (February, 1996). Presented at the National Association
of Laboratory Schools Annual Conference. Chicago, Illinois.
- The School of HRM/Greyhills
Academy High School Relationship. (November, 1995). Presented at the
National Indian Education Association Annual Conference. Tucson, AZ.
- Teaching Casino Gaming Management
in the Classroom (August, 1995). Presented at National Council on Hotel,
Restaurant, and Institutional Educators. Nashville, Tennessee.
- Bed and Breakfast Hogans--A
Low-Investment Tourism Option. (June, 1995). Presented at the Arizona
American Indian Tourism Association's Second Annual Southwest Indian
Tourism Conference. Litchfield Park, Arizona.
- Hospitality Burnout; Its Scope
and Relationship to Management Style (August, 1992). Presented at the
International CHRIE Conference. Orlando, Florida.
- Rural Tourism Development;
A Micro View (July, 1992). Presented at the International Seminars
on Tourism Development. Shanghai, China.
- What My Community Has to Offer?
Is it Enough? (April, 1991). Presented at the Governor's 1991 Conference
on Rural Development. Flagstaff, Arizona.
- Help Wanted--Hospitality and
Tourism Educators (August, 1989). Presented at International CHRIE.
Las Vegas, NV.
- School of Hotel and Restaurant Management
(Northern Arizona University)--National customer service shopper analysis
audits for entire United States chain of Wyndham Garden Hotels (1996-2000).
- Arizona Hospitality Research and Resource
Center (Northern Arizona University)--Numerous studies related to wage
and salary, feasibility analyses, survey research, and seminar presentations
- Center for American Indian Economic Development
(Northern Arizona University)--Numerous studies related to Native American
tourism development (1988-2000).
- School of Hotel and Restaurant Management
(Northern Arizona University)--Customer and secret shopper analysis
audits for a number of independent hotel operations in Phoenix, Tucson,
Laughlin, Albuquerque, Las Vegas, Lake Havasu, etc. (1991-2000).
- Pine Country Pro Rodeo--Visitor analyses
- Arizona Snowbowl--Skier profiles studies
- Mill Avenue Merchants Association--Spring
festival of the arts visitor analyses (1991-2000).
- Mill Avenue Merchants Association--Fall
festival of the arts visitor analyses (1991-2000).
- Hopi Cultural Center--Cultural center relocation
- Flagstaff Main Street Merchants Association--Main
street parking study and analysis (1999).
- Mill Avenue Merchants Association--Flagstaff
festival in the pines visitor analyses (1991-1998).
- Mill Avenue Merchants Association--Additional
assorted festival and event visitor analyses (1991-1998).
- Flagstaff Main Street Merchants Association--Route
66 celebration visitor analyses (1995-1998).
- Assorted National Rodeo Events--Visitor
analyses in various states (1996-1999).
- Coconino County Parks and Recreation Department--County
fair visitor analyses (1993-1994 and 1997-1998).
- Coconino County Parks and Recreation Department--County
horse races visitor analyses (1993-1994 and 1997-1998).
- Flagstaff Main Street Merchants Association--Merchant
festival interest study (1993).
- Christopher Creek Hotel facility feasibility
project (1992).
- Secakuku Enterprises--Loan package for Sedona
lodging operation (1992).
- Navajo Nation Tribe--Navajo nation arts
and crafts flagstaff retail outlet feasibility project (1992).
- Navajo Nation Tribe--Painted desert inn
restaurant kitchen design and equipment project (1992).
- Arizona Office of Tourism--Series of eight
rural tourism development seminars presented around the State (1991).
- Navajo Nation Tribe--Painted desert inn
motel, restaurant, gas station, convenience store, and RV park feasibility
project (1991).
- Hopi Tribe--Hopi Cultural Center front office
systems analysis and reconfiguration (1991).
- Secakuku Enterprises--Loan package for gas
station and convenience store at Second Mesa (1991).
- Sunrise Resort Hotel--Request for proposal
of computer technology installation (1990).
- Secakuku Enterprises--Loan package for gas
station and convenience store in Polacca (1990).
- Secakuku Enterprises--Nova-ki restaurant
loan package (1989).
- Springerville Town Council--Rural tourism
seminar (1989).
- Springerville Town Council--Assessment of
Springerville's tourism potential (1989).
- Cochise College--Rural tourism seminar (1989).
- Center for Small Business Development--Native
American small business marketing seminars (1988).
- Hopi Tribe--Hopi Cultural Center financial
assessment (1988).