Essay: Process and
Product Issues
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Read the following questions and statements. Choose one that is important
to you and discuss your feelings and ideas with respect to the issues
is raises about education. Try to keep your response to a page or 300
The following may initiate excitement and energy for change.
- Evaluate
current and future roles and interplay of teacher, student and content.
- Consider
ways that human nature and child development factors are crucial determinants
in the pro-active education process.
- Develop
a personal list of educational expectations, practices, and content
to create the best outcome for student and society. Do not allow ease
of measurement to influence your choices.
- What will
change if we visualize roles of teachers as a dynamic continuum rather
than static?
- Make a
list that establishes the value of learner as self directed and responsible.
- Question
the importance of individual satisfaction and mastery versus competitive
norms as the measure of schooling success [norm referenced or criterion
referenced testing].
- How can
be enhance connectedness and interplay of all stake holders in education?
- How can
we enhance the roles of both process and product as outcomes of educational
- Explore
the value and importance of teaching people to be fully and clearly
human and treated with the dignity that suggests while taking responsibility
for sharing that dignity with others.
- Discuss
the implications of viewing education as a service and profession.
- Address
ego development as part of education - i.e. the ability to see and give
credence to others' views, others' needs, others' cultural perspectives
and to feel some sense of obligation to live life from the dual vantage
- More thoroughly
explore what it means to be fully human and which of the factors are
essential to the well being of the individual and society; consider
which develop in spite of neglect or attention, which can be enhanced
through education and then assume the mantle of that knowledge
- determine
how these things can be developed
- include
them in the curriculum
- establish
procedures for measuring and valuing their emergence
Choose and address one question.
Fully address one or more of the questions, providing personal examples
of ways this impacts your own teaching or career choice. Add ways to synthesize
process and product and work to give creative solutions to these "age
old" questions.