Observation: Teaching Behaviors
- Get students attention
- Give the directions
- Check understanding - get feedback
- Model the directions
- Tell students to begin
- Keep track of how many steps the students must remember when given directions.
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- List the students who were unable or unwilling to follow directions.
- Choose two of the students named and watch the student behaviors.
- Check off any of the reasons you see which might explain why the student isnt
following directions.
_____Not listening |
_____Playing with an object |
_____Talking |
_____Perseverating/self stimming |
_____Working during directions |
_____Reading |
_____Not in the room |
_____Trouble getting started |
_____Not focused |
_____Job seems too hard |
_____Attention span |
_____Hasn't completed other work |
_____Visual learner |
_____Off task behaviors |
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E-mail J'Anne Ellsworth at Janne.Ellsworth@nau.edu
Course created by J'Anne

Copyright © 1999
Northern Arizona University