Sample Case Studies
Diagnosis, Intervention and Treatment Plan
Case : Melody is ten years old and currently in the fourth grade. She was born
premature, weighing four pounds, and diagnosed as fetal alcohol syndrome. After four years
of foster care, she was adopted and bonded gradually. She suffers from occasional petit
mal seizures and is on medication. She is still small for her age, has a first or second
grade vocabulary and minimal math skills. A resource aide spends two hours each day in the
classroom, assisting her.
Melody is easily distracted, has a very brief attention span and never completes the
day's work. She does not stay in her seat for longer than four or five minutes. She is
well tolerated by students in the class, but more like a younger sibling. She has no close
friends and plays alone most of the time, swinging, staying in the bathroom at the sink,
involved in water play, or holding the hand of the teacher on duty. She does not strike
out at other students physically, but she does many things the students find irritating --
pinching, stroking hair, repetitive patting that becomes almost aggressive, showing little
recognition of personal space or awareness of others' boundaries.
The teacher finds her challenging and asks for help for the following:
unable to stay focused |
wandering in the room |
talking out of turn and off subject |
irritates some of the students |
often irritable, whiny |
"picks and fiddles" with things |
talks or hums to self |
bossy with others |
says same phrases over and over |
poor memory |
off task most of the day |
takes others' possessions |
very distractible |
impulsive |
doesn't seem to hear or understand rules |
self involved |
Biomedical |
Attention deficit disorder, fetal alcohol syndrome, hyperactive;
Arrived at through medical tests, checklists, patient report and observation,
confirmed through application of medication |
Psychodynamic |
Developmental delays and failure to bond, thrive; poor socio-emotional
adjustment; may have conduct disorder;
Arrived at through interview, DSM-IV, case history, testing such as MMPI |
Behav/Cog |
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD or ADHD), impulse control issues
Arrived at through observation, checklist of behaviors - ex. ABS or Connors |
Ecological |
Eclectic use of many tools and diagnoses - would use ADD,FAS,
Arrived at through looking at the interactions of systems, attending to the
feelings and perceptions of students |
Humanistic |
Basic needs are not being met,
Arrived at by asking the student and others in the classroom what is happening and
what needs to occur to build the person and relationship |
Intervention and treatment:
Biomedical |
Run tests, Prescribe medication such as phenobarbital for seizures and
ritalin for hyperactivity |
Psychodynamic |
Psychotherapy - may be play therapy, dream work, bonding |
Behav/Cog |
Behavior management, behavior contract, ABAB, reinforcement, punishment |
Ecological |
Enhancing communication skills, developing better systemic interactions,
increasing attention to the preventive and supportive components, encourage use of
personal learning strengths and types of intelligence rather than forcing her to try to
become competent in the required curriculum |
Humanistic |
Increasing nurturance, building trust, sense of safety, relationship,
validating and valuing perceptions of students and teacher and then teaching Melody to
approach others in ways that help them value her uniqueness, working to meet Melody's
needs to work at her level of ability rather than grade level, and support her in learning
better self control |
Once you have reviewed the sample case study, go back to
Case Study One. Remember that you can print
out the sample case study
for future reference.
E-mail J'Anne Ellsworth at
Web site created by the NAU OTLE Faculty
Course created by J'Anne

Copyright 1998 Northern Arizona University