Group Assignment
1: Group Discussion
To complete this assignment successfully, you should:
- Study the assignment carefully
- Complete the assignment as directed
1. Go into the Virtual Conference Center and discuss the following
questions and issues with your classmates.
- Share tips for structuring the classroom.
- successful transitions
- attention getters
- soothers
- interventions
- nifty procedures
- List privileges in your classroom. Develop two new ways of enhancing
student perception of the privilege of learning and the opportunity
of being in school.
- Discuss ideas about power, license and responsibility with respect
to children and adults.
- Should rules apply equally to students and teachers?
- Do we tend to have a different standards for adults and children?
What is the justification?
- What happens when we share control of the classroom?
Is it like a funnel, so once we slide down, we can't get back?
Do we lose face?
- What kind of structure assures respect?
Can respect be one-sided?
- What ideas do you use for self soothing?
What works for students?
E-mail J'Anne Ellsworth at

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Northern Arizona University