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Reading Material onSupporting Students
Pre and Posttest Concepts What was the Brown Decision about? What percent of schools population are considered at-risk for developing educational problems serious enough to warrant special education services, mentally retarded, LD, etc.? Which is the largest group of students with special needs in the public school systems? What three categories make up the majority of students with disabilities? What are the major IDEA requirements? What are the legal bases for the right of all children to a free public education? What groups of disabled children have most recently been included in IDEA? What is the relationship between PL94-142 and IDEA? What are the specific requirements of 94-142, e.g., Least Restrictive Environment, Transitional Planning, components of an IEP, how often programs must be reviewed, due process safeguards, etc. What are some of the reasons for referral for special education services, most common reason? What are the differences between assessment and testing, criterion referenced and norm referenced testing, informal and forma assessments, etc. What were the main decisions in PARC vs Pennsylvania, Diana, Larry P. vs. Riles, Hobson vs. Hanson? What are the key factors in successful inclusion of special children in regular classes, [e.g. teacher attitudes, support]? Are there any groups of exceptional children who are not included in PL94-142? What are the advantages/disadvantages of various levels of integration, e.g., full inclusion, resource rooms, self-contained special education, itinerant teacher model, etc.? What is the key variable for success in a collaborative program? What due process rights do the parents of a school-age child with a handicap have? What rights are guaranteed under the ADA and Section 504? What are the specific components which must be included in an IEP?
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