The chord types shown in Example 4 occur on steps 1, 3, 5 and 7 of Mode 2 (or steps 2, 4, 6 and 8 of Mode 1). There are more chords possibilities here, especially for more complex tertian chords. Chords containing tritones and dominant funtioning chords are common in this group. Note the polychord made of two diminished seventh chords (the last chord). Not all complex chord possibilities were included in this example.

Example 4: Chords on Steps 1, 3, 5 and 7 of Mode 2

There are only two transpositions that produce a true key change (i.e., a new collection of pitches), up a minor second or up a major second. The melodic inversion of these intervals produces the same transposition. All other transpositions produce the original collection of notes.

The recurring or redundant features discussed above tend to limit how long octatonic passages can be used to sustain interest. On the other hand, an octatonic passage adds fresh harmonies and stresses that give relief to more conventional materials. It can be used to good poetic effect.

Because minor thirds and tritones recur so frequently, octatonic passages always carry the tint of the tritone. Moreover, the underlying harmonies of octatonic passages tend toward tritone bearing chords, especially the hues of altered dominant and leading tone chords.