Students select research topics in consultation with me, other faculty with related interests, or those who serve on graduate advisory committees. In all cases, we press students to address important conceptual issues in modern biology, to undertake research that combines field and lab studies, and to design studies with both observational and experimental components.
The list below comprises graduate students who have completed degrees under my direction, those who are presently working in my laboratory, and several who have begun research with me and not completed degrees. I have also listed undergraduates and high school students who have worked in the lab recently.
Students interested in working with us should contact me about opportunities and topics.
Ingestion and growth in herbivorous tilapias fed on naturally occurring macrophytes.
Anthony Mazeroll
Migratory behavior of brown surgeonfish in the Red Sea, Israel.
Charles Minckley
Life history of the endangered humpback chub in the Little Colorado River, Arizona
Robert Ilyes
Vertebrate Paleontology (D. Elliott, Co-Chair)
Heidi Johnson
Vertebrate Paleontology (D. Elliott, Co-Chair)
Feeding biology of rainbow trout at Lee's Ferry.
Randy van Haverbeke
Ecology of ephemeral pool crustacea on the Paria Plateau.
James White
Ecology of Little Colorado River spinedace
Ecology of herbivorous reef fishes
Ecology of native fishes in the Verde River, Arizona.
Joseph Catron
Ecology of ephemeral ponds.
Dean Foster
Native fishes of the lower Colorado River.
Dennis Stone
Ecology of humpback chub in the Little Colorado River.
Male reproductive behavior in Atlantic salmon.
Randy Reed
Vertebrate paleontology (D. Elliott, Co-Chair)
Kirsten Tinning
Early life history of trout
Michael Craig
Reef fish ecology
Silke Treutner
Genetics of giant gut bacteria from surgeonfishes
Ephemeral pool crustaceaTiffany Scarborough
Giant gut microbes from Hawaiian surgeonfishesJeremy McLean
Genetics of giant gut microbes from surgeonfishes
Lipids and fatty acids of surgeonfishes