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Indigenous Language Links (Updated March 6, 2025)
ACORN: [A][C]quisition [O]f [R]estored [N]ative [S]peech project. Information to develop langauge lessons
Administration for Native Americans: Native Languages
Advocates for Indigenous California Language Survival
'Aha Punana Leo "The Hawaiian
Language Shall Live"
Documentation of Endangered
Languages VolkswagonStiftung
Endangered Language Alliance New York based non-profit
Language Fund Gives small grants for EL work
Endangered Languages Documentation Programme
Endangered Languages Project
First Peoples' Cultural Council Download language planning documents,
Language Nest Handbook, etc.
Voices Web-based tools and services designed to support language
Foundation for Endangered Languages
publishes a newsletter
Glottolog Comprehensive reference information for the world's languages, especially lesser known languages.
Heritage Languages In America Center for Applied Linguistics
Indigenous Language Institute Hosts language teaching workshops, etc.
Indigenous Languages Rights & Realities A peer-reviewed, open-access publication
Lakota Language Consortium
Language Conservancy
Language Documentation &
Conservation Journal of the National Foreign Language Resource Center
Language Documentation and DescriptionOpen access on-line journal
Living Languages
Supporting the sustainability of Indigenous languages
Living Tongues Institute for
Endangered Languages Salem, Oregon
Maori Language Commission
Native American Language Resource Center
West Regional Native American Language Resource Center University of Arizona
National Coalition of Native American Language Schools and Programs
Native Language Center American Indian Higher Education Consortium's Center of Excellence on Native Languages
Language Academy Offers Summer Linguistics Workshops
Indigenous Language Learning Atlas University of Victoria: Online, interactive portal for Indigenous language learning and teaching communities, advocates, researchers, and allies to exchange knowledge and strategies.
Our Mother Tongues Web site raising awareness of endangered languages
Piegan Institute
Researching, Promoting and Preserving Native Languages
Revitalizing Endangered Languages University of Warsaw Project
Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas Publishes a newsletter
Strengthening Indigenous Languages & Cultures Dr. S. Neyooxet Greymorning
Terralingua: Partnerships for Linguistic
& Biological Diversity Publishes a newsletter
Where are your keys?" Techniques for accelerated learning,
community building & language revitalization
Educational Resources for Endangered Languages Living Tongues
Global Lessons: Indigenous languages and multilingualism in school programs First Languages Australia
The Language Gulper Information about languages
First Peoples' Cultural Council, 2014
Reviving Your Language Through Education 2015 Planning Workbook
Language Documentation, Revitalization and Reclamation:
Supporting Young Learners and Their Communities
Language Teaching Methods
Selected Resources on Native American Language Renewal Jon Reyhner
Grant Writing for Indigenous Languages Ofelia Zepeda & Susan Penfield, University of Arizona
Indigenous Language Revitalization
Certificate University of Victoria
Indigenous Programs,
Lakehead University Thunder Bay, Ontario
American Indian Language Development Institute University of Arizona
Canadian Indgienous Languages and Literacy Development Institute CILLDI, University of Alberta
Northwest Indian Language Institute NILI, University of Oregon
First Nations and Endangered Languages Program University of British Columbia
Ayaruq: 2024 Action Plan for Alaskan Languages
Alaska Native Language Preservation & Advisory Council
Ethnologue: Languages of the World
Guidelines for Strengthening Indigenous Languages Alaska Federation of Natives etc.
Heritage Language Playschools for Indigenous Minorities SIL Book
"He said it all in Navajo!": Indigenous Language Immersion in Early Childhood Education 2010
Indigenous Language Immersion Schools for Strong Indigenous Identities Jon Reyhner, 2010
Integral Strategies for Language Revitalization Full Text 678 page pdf file
Racing Against
Extinction: Saving Native Languages by America Meredith
Skutnabb-Kangas's articles on the importance of indigenous languages
Tools For Indigenous Knowledge Management 2003
State of the Art of Indigenous Languages in Research: A collection of selected research papers UNESCO 2022
Indigenous Languages 1997 Book
Western Influences on Indigenous Language Teaching J.D. Mellow 2000
Language Nest Linguist Jack Martin's Blogspot.
General American Indian Language Resources WWW Virtual Library
Languages Includes History and Discussion of Native American Languages
Languages of the Americas Cherokee, Algonquian, Arapaho, etc.
Native Web Native American Languages links