
"Dyle's MUD Manual"

1st page: basic command vocabulary
2nd page: locks and beyond
3rd page: groups, flags, etc.
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MUDtorial - 3rd page material :

Some Nomenclature:
      Topic: Objects, Topic Using, Topic: Targets,

        Topic: Groups, Topic: Group-topics, @add, @add Obj1 + Obj2, @remove, @toggle, Topic: Owner Groups,

        Topic: Flags, @set, Topic: Unwanted, Topic: Quell,

       @hint, @warn



Topic: Objects

You can specify objects (things, players, exits, and rooms) by name if they're in your inventory or in the same room as you are. You need only type enough letters of the name to be unambiguous. You can also specify objects anywhere by their dbref numbers, in the form #(number). Players in other rooms may be specified in the form *(player name), groups may be specified in the form of +(groupname). The word 'me' can be used for yourself, and 'here' may be used for the room you're in. see also: number, types @CHOWN (thing|#nnn) = (ME|[*]player|[+]group) Changes the ownership of (object) to (player/group). Players may chown 'unwanted' objects they can 'use' to themselves. (i.e., If a player @locks a gift to a friend and then sets it unwanted, the recipient can later @chown it to him/her/itself.) @CHOWNing a (thing) to a (group) will give the members of the (group) control over the (thing). (group) must be set LINK_OK if not owned by the player performing the @CHOWN. Players can't be chowned; they always own themselves.

see also: control, link_ok, owner-group, unwanted

Topic: Using

Things are )USED( in different ways. Rooms are USED when looked at, either upon entrance or afterwards. Exits are USED when they're walked through. Things are USED when they're picked up. Groups are USED when someone becomes a member of them. Players are USED when they're paged. Using something successfully shows the user the object's SUCCESS message. It shows other players the Osuccess message. Failing to use an object shows the user the object's FAIL message. It shows other players the Ofail message.

see also: @succ, @fail, @osuc, @ofail, pages, @lock

Topic: Targets

Targets are what you aim commands at. A target is always one of the below: (object name) -- if it's nearby. #(object number) -- to avoid ambiguity, some cmds don't require #'s. *(player name) -- for when they're not nearby. +(Group name) -- for when it's not nearby. HERE -- translates to the rooms number. ME -- translates to user's number. HOME -- translates to the user's home's room number. BACK -- translates to the room the BUILDER previous visited. THERE -- translates to the room number the builder just dug. RETURN -- sends the USER back wherever they came in from.

see also: objects, here, me, home, back, there, return



Topic: Groups

Groups give builders the ability to clump things together. Groups are extremely versatile and can help: keep tabs on what players have done/failed to do, what guilds players have joined, what type of person the player has chosen to be, what liabilities special abilities have been acquired Groups can be used as flags that can be set or reset in ways controlled by the people controlling the group. Actions can be hidden or revealed, permitted or denied, depending on what group memberships a player has acquired.

see also: group-topics

Topic: group-topics groups


@ADD Object1 = Object2

... creates a membership association between Object1 and Object2. Order is unimportant. One object must be a: Player, Room, Exit, or Item which you own or control. The other must be a: Group, Sticky-Exit, Copy-Object or Owner-Group which you must own, control or have shared access. Being a member of a group or carrying an object that is a member of a group will permit you to successfully use objects/exits that are locked to that group, or fail to use them if the object/exit is locked against that group. Group memberships can be checked by the containment operator in locks.

see also: @remove, control, copy, groups, locks, membership, objects, operators, owner-groups

@REMove (thing) = (group)

Removes (thing) from (group). @recycling a group causes all its members to be @removed from it. Players can remove anyone's (things) from their own (groups) or their own (things) from anyone's (groups). However, players can not remove themselves from locked groups unless the lock permits it. Wizards can remove any (thing) from any (group).

see also: @add, @strip, groups, copy, sticky, owner-group, locks

Topic: Toggle

A subcommand of @effect, the "toggle" command combines @add and @remove in one action. When used with an @effect, "toggle" @adds a player to a group if they're not already a member, or @removes a player from a group if they are a member. see also: @effect, @add, @remove @REMove (thing) = (group) Removes (thing) from (group). @recycling a group causes all its members to be @removed from it. Players can remove anyone's (things) from their own (groups) or their own (things) from anyone's (groups). However, players can not remove themselves from locked groups unless the lock permits it. Wizards can remove any (thing) from any (group).

see also: @add, @strip, groups, copy, sticky, owner-group, locks

Topic: Owner-Groups

Owner-Groups exist to allow players to share control of areas and/or objects. Owner-Groups are made by taking a normal Group and CHOWNing something to it. (The owner-group will become STICKY automatically) The members of an owner-group control EVERYTHING the group owns. LOCK your owner-group so only the players you trust can use it! An owner-group must be LINK_OK if you want to give its members permission to CHOWN more items to it. Owner-Groups can NOT be recycled. To change an owner-group back into a normal group, you must: @TOAD it, specifying a player to inherit all of its possessions, or, @PURGE it, which recycles everything it owns.

see also: @chown, @purge, @toad, link_ok



Topic: Flags

There are six types of objects in SolSys (DragonMud code):

Each type of object (except (garbage)) has a set of flags that are meaningful:

Special privs needed to set * flags. Quell and Dark work on all objects.

see also: @set, types, gender, (flag)

@SEt ((object)|[*](player)|[+](group)|#nnn|ME|HERE) = [!](flag)

Sets (or, with '!', unsets) (flag) on (object). see also: flags, HOME Sends you home, no matter where you are. You retain your crowns, but any objects you are carrying leave your inventory and return to their own homes.

see also: inventory, homes


Flag: UNWANTED @set (object) = UNWANTED

If an object, room, exit or group is UNWANTED, you can @chown it to yourself, unless it's locked against you. You cannot set UNWANTED on players. Any player can @recycle any UNWANTED object.

see also: @chown, @recycle

Flag: QUELL @set (object) = QUELL

If a Wizard or God is set QUELL, his or her powers are temporarily turned off until the flag is unset. Wizards can not use their powers to inspect or modify objects or players set QUELL. It behaves like Kryponite, if the wizard has it, they can't use their special powers at all. If someone or something else has it, the wizard is unable to use their wizardly powers with regards to the quelled player or object. Objects owned by a player are still controlled by that player, regardless of any combination of QUELL flags on the player or their objects. Part of QUELL's purpose has been transfered to the TELLALL flag.

see also: tellall, wizard, flags

@HINT (object) [=(message)]

Sets the HINT message for (object). If no (message) is specified it erases any previously set (message). Hints are displayed when an attempt to use an action/command or exit fails because the player doesn't have something they need. For example: @HINT The Hood = You would be recognized immediately! @HINT +Wanted = You haven't done anything villainous yet. @LOCK Sneak by the Guards = The Hood & +Wanted A hint will be given from the needed item (or group), when the player fails to sneak by the guards. No @FAIL is needed. @WARN, like @HINT is shown if the player HAS something they should not.

see also: @warn, @fail, @lock

@WARN (object) [=(message)]

Sets the WARN message for (object). If no (message) is specified it erases any previously set (message). Warnings are displayed when an attempt to use an action/command or exit fails because the player has something they should not. For example: @WARN The wheelbarrow= The wheelbarrow isn't going to fit through that door. @WARN +Weak = You aren't strong enough to open the door. @LOCK North into the hut = ! The Wheelbarrow & ! +Weak The warning on whichever item (or group) the player has that prevented them from entering the hut would be displayed. No @fail is needed. @HINT, like @WARN is shown if the player needs something they don't have.

see also: @warn, @fail, @lock


1st page: basic command vocabulary
2nd page: locks and beyond
3rd page: groups, flags, etc.
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last updated 03.02.01

This page is maintained by:
Reed D. Riner
Prof / Anthro
Northern Arizona University
Flagstaff -- on Rt66
