Articles in Professional Journals
1975 Montgomery, W.L. Interspecific associations of sea-basses (Serranidae) in the Gulf of California. Copeia 1975: 785-787. 1976 Rosenblatt, R.H. and W.L. Montgomery. Kryptophaneron harveyi, a new anomalopid fish from the tropical Eastern Pacific, and the evolution of the Anomalopidae. Copeia 1976: 510-515. 1977 Montgomery, W.L. Diet and gut morphology in fishes, with special reference to the monkeyface prickleback, Cebidichthys violaceus (Stichaeidae: Blennioidei). Copeia 1977: 178-182. 1980 Montgomery, W.L. The impact of non-selective grazing by the giant blue damselfish, Microspathodon dorsalis, on algal communities in the Gulf of California, Mexico. Bull.Mar.Sci. 30: 290-303. 1980 Montgomery, W.L. Comparative feeding ecology of two herbivorous damselfishes (Pomacentridae: Teleostei) from the Gulf of California, Mexico. J.Exp.Mar.Biol.Ecol. 47: 9-24. 1980 Montgomery,W.L. and S.D. Gerking. Marine macroalgae as foods for fishes: an evaluation of potential food quality. Env.Biol.Fish. 5: 143-153. 1980 Montgomery, W.L., T. Gerrodette and L.D. Marshall. Impact of grazing by the yellowtail surgeonfish, Prionurus punctatus, on algal communities in the lower Gulf of California, Mexico. Bull.Mar.Sci.30: 901-908. 1981 Montgomery, W.L. Mixed-species schools and the significance of vertical territories in damselfishes. Copeia 1981: 477-481. 1981 Whoriskey, F.G., R.J. Naiman and W.L. Montgomery. Experimental sea-ranching of brook trout, Salvelinus fontinalis Mitchell. J.Fish.Biol. 19: 637-651. 1983 Black, G.A., W.L. Montgomery and F.G. Whoriskey. Abundance and distribution of Salmincola edwardsii (Copepoda) on anadromous brook trout, Salvelinus fontinalis (Mitchell), in the Moisie River system, Quebec. J.Fish.Biol. 22: 567-575. 1983 Montgomery, W.L., S.D. McCormick, F.G. Whoriskey, G. Black and R.J. Naiman. Spring migratory synchrony in salmonid, catostomid and cyprinid fishes of Riviere a la Truite, Quebec. Can.J.Zool. 61: 2495-2502. 1985 Fishelson, L., W.L. Montgomery, and A.A. Myrberg. A new fat body associated with the gonad of surgeonfishes (Acanthuridae: Teleostei). Marine Biology 86:109-112. 1985 Fishelson, L., W.L. Montgomery, and A.A. Myrberg. A unique symbiosis in the gut of tropical herbivorous surgeonfishes (Acanthuridae: Teleostei) from the Red Sea. Science 229: 49-51. 1986 Gaudreault, A., T. Miller, W.L. Montgomery and G.J. FitzGerald. Interspecific interactions and diet of sympatric juvenile brook charr, Salvelinus fontinalis, and adult ninespine sticklebacks, Pungitius pungitius. J. Fish Biol. 28: 133-140. 1987 Fishelson, L., W.L. Montgomery and A.A. Myrberg. Biology of surgeonfish Acanthurus nigrofuscus with emphasis on changeover in diet and annual gonadal cycles. Marine Ecology Progress Series 39: 37-47. 1987 R.J. Naiman, S.N. McCormick, W.L. Montgomery, F.G. Whoriskey. Anadromous brook charr, Salvelinus fontinalis: opportunities and constraints for population enhancement. Marine Fisheries Review 49: 1-13. (publ. 1988) 1988 Montgomery, W.L. and P.E. Pollak. Gut anatomy and pH in a Red Sea surgeonfish, Acanthurus nigrofuscus. Marine Ecology Progress Series 44: 7-13 1988 Montgomery, W.L. and P.E. Pollak. Epulopiscium fishelsoni n.gen, n.sp., a protist of uncertain affinities from the gut of an herbivorous reef fish. J. Protozoology 35 (4): 565-569. 1988 Myrberg, A.A., Jr., W.L. Montgomery and L. Fishelson. The reproductive behavior of Acanthurus nigrofuscus (Forskal) and other surgeonfishes (Fam. Acanthuridae) off Eilat, Israel (Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea). Ethology 79: 31-61. 1989 Montgomery, W.L., A.A. Myrberg, Jr., and L. Fishelson. Feeding ecology of surgeonfishes (Acanthuridae) in the northern Red Sea, with particular reference to Acanthurus nigrofuscus (Forsskal). J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 132: 179-207. 1990 Montgomery, W.L., S.D. McCormick, R.J. Naiman, F.G. Whoriskey and G. Black. Migration and use of marine resources by brook charr (Salvelinus fontinalis) in the Moisie River, Quebec. Pol. Arch. Hydrobiol. 37:43-61. [Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on the Ecology of Fluvial Fishes, Lodz, Poland] 1992 Okeyo, D.O. and W.L. Montgomery. Ingestion, growth and conversion efficiency in the blue tilapia, Oreochromis aureus, when fed on three aquatic macrophytes. J. Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science 24-25: 1-10. 1993 Montgomery, W.L. and R. Galzin. Seasonality in gonads, fat deposits and condition of tropical surgeonfishes (Teleostei: Acanthuridae). Marine Biology 115: 529-536 1994 Pollak, P.E. and W.L. Montgomery. Giant bacterium (Epulopiscium fishelsoni) influences digestive enzyme activity of an herbivorous surgeonfish (Acanthurus nigrofuscus). Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 108A: 657-662 1995 Mazeroll, A.I. and W.L. Montgomery. Structure and organization of local migrations in brown surgeonfish (Acanthurus nigrofuscus). Ethology 99:89-106 1998 Mazeroll, A.I. and W.L. Montgomery. Daily migrations of a coral reef fish in the Red Sea (Gulf of Aqaba, Israel): initiation and orientation. Copeia 1998 (4):893-905. 1998 Bresler, V., W.L. Montgomery, L. Fishelson and P. Pollak. Gigantism in a bacterium, Epulopiscium fishelsoni, correlates with complex patterns in arrangement, quantity and segregation of DNA. J. Bacteriology 180 (21): 5601-5611 1998 Montgomery, W.L., T. Umino, H. Nakagawa, I. Vaughn, T. Shibuno. Lipid storage and composition in tropical surgeonfishes (Teleostei:Acanthuridae). Marine Biology. Accepted/In Press In Review Mazeroll, A.I. and W.L. Montgomery. Learning, memory and spatial knowledge in migrations of a Red Sea surgeonfish. Submitted to Environmental Biology of Fishes. 21 pp, 4 tables, 1 fig Cleveland, A. and W.L. Montgomery. Comparison of gut characteristics and absorption efficiencies in two species of herbivorous damselfishes. Marine Biology
Chapters in Books
1987 Montgomery, W.L., G.E. Goslow, Jr., K.B. Staley and J.R. Mills. Alternative mating behaviors of male Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), with special reference to mature male parr. Pp. 232-238 in: Evolutionary and Community Ecology of North American Stream Fishes, W. Matthews and D. Heins, eds. University of Oklahoma Press. 1990 Montgomery, W.L. Zoogeography, Ecology and Behavior of Coral Reef Fishes. Pp. 329-364 in: Coral Reefs, Z. Dubinski, ed. Elsevier, Amsterdam. 1990 Montgomery, W.L. Amphibians and reptiles. Pp. 49-53 in: G. Rink, ed. A guide to the Salt River Canyon: natural history and river-running. Worldwide Explorations, Inc. 1993 Leibfried, W.C. and W.L. Montgomery. Regulated flows, trout spawning, and abundance of bald eagles on the Colorado River, Grand Canyon National Park. Pp. 37-48 in: P.G. Rowlands, C. van Riper III, and M.K. Sogge, eds. Proceedings of the first biennial conference on research in Colorado Plateau National Parks. U.S. Dept. of the Interior, National Park Service, Transactions and Proceedings Series NPS/NRNAU/NRTP-93/10.
1992 Montgomery, W.L., with assistance from 11 Graduate Teaching Assistants. Animal Biology Laboratory Manual and Guide. Kendall-Hunt Publishing, Dubuque, Iowa, 98 pp 1994 Montgomery, W.L. and W.S. Allred. Animal Biology Laboratory Manual and Guide. Second Edition. Kendall-Hunt Publishing, Dubuque, Iowa
Recent Technical Publications
1986 The Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) population of the Matamek River, Quebec: 1967-1984 Data Report. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Technical Report WHOI-86-21. (w/ R.J. Naiman, R. Morin, H. Caswell, E. Klopfer and T. Kana) 1986 Feeding by rainbow trout on Cladophora glomerata at Lees Ferry, Colorado River, Arizona: the roles of Cladophora and epiphytic diatoms in trout nutrition. Preliminary report to the Bureau of Reclamation. 6 pp., 5 tables, 2 figures. (w/ W. Leibfried, K. Gooby and P. Pollak) 1990 Presentation to the joint hearing by the Subcommittee on Water, Power and Offshore Energy and the Subcommittee on National Parks and Public Lands on HR 4498 (Amendment to Colorado River Storage Project Act). Invited written testimony, U.S. House of Representatives. 8 pp. 1997 Impact of fluctuating water levels on early life history of rainbow trout. Draft report for Bureau of Reclamation, Glen Canyon Environmental Studies, Contract Number CA-0-FC-40-09620 (w/ K. Tinning). 71 pp., 13 Figures, 15 Tables.
Articles in Popular Publications
1979 Montgomery, W.L. Hungry bass and hiding prey. Baja California Bulletin, vol.9, Jan.-Feb. 1983 Montgomery, W.L. Parr excellence. Natural History 92(6): 58-67. 1985 Montgomery, W.L. What about Lee's Ferry? Ariz. Wildlife 1985, p.10
Other Publications
1998 Montgomery, W.L. Obituary: Shelby Delos Gerking, 1918-1998. Copeia 1998(3):822-823