Publications and Reprints
I am now publishing my Ph.D. and M.Sc. research findings. Below is my list of publications and manuscripts in preparation.
If it is available, please click on the reference to read a .pdf copy of that published manuscript.
- Uyeno, T.A. 1996. Chemputing: Making your presence in the world wide web. Canadian Chemical News, 48(3):4.
- Uyeno, T.A. 1999. Evolutionary development of the gastropod locomotory muscular hydrostat as resolved by 3-D magnetic resonance tomography and 18S ribosome DNA sequences. (Abstract and poster in the 5th International Congress of Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry, 23-28 August, Calgary, Alberta, Canada). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, 124A. Supp.:S144.
- Uyeno, T.A. 1999. Comparative morphology and evolutionary trends in the class Gastropoda through three-dimensional tomography and DNA sequence analysis. M.Sc. thesis, University of Calgary, Department of Biology.
- Uyeno, T.A. 1999. Resolution of gastropod subclass taxa using new characteristics: Utilization of novel morphological techniques and genetic data. (Abstract and poster in the 2000 annual SICB meeting 4-8 January, Atlanta, Georgia, USA). American Zoologist. 39(5): 215.
- Uyeno, T.A. 2002. How squids bite: the functional morphology of cephalopod beaks and mandibular muscles. (Abstract and poster in the 2002 annual SICB meeting 2-6 January, Anaheim, California, USA). American Zoologist. 41(6): 1613.
- Uyeno, T.A. & M. Niessen 2003. The cephalopod buccal mass as a muscle articulation: a novel joint type. (Abstract and talk in the 2003 annual SEB meeting 31st March - 4th April, Southampton, UK)
- Uyeno, T.A. & W.M. Kier 2005. The functional morphology of the cephalopod buccal mass: a novel joint type. Journal of Morphology.264:211-222.
- Uyeno, T.A. & W.M. Kier 2007. Electromyography of the buccal musculature of octopus (Octopus bimaculoides): a test of the function of the muscle articulation in support and movement. Journal of Experimental Biology. 210:118-128.
- Uyeno, T.A. & H. Hsiao 2007. A novel device to monitor small changes in underwater distances. Invertebrate Biology.126(2).
- Uyeno, T.A. 2007. The morphology and biomechanics of the muscle articulation: a new class of soft tissue joint. Ph.D Dissertation, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Uyeno, T.A., M. Hooge, & W.M. Kier (in preparation). The functional morphology of the hooks and proboscis of a new species of Schizorhynchia (Platyhelminthes).
- Uyeno, T.A. & W.M. Kier (in preparation). The morphology of the jaws of a polychaete annelid (Nereis virens) as a muscle articulation.