• Eight Mile Lake, AK; C. Schädel
  • Eight Mile Lake, AK; C. Schädel
  • Alaska Range; credit: C. Schädel
  • Automated Flux Chambers
  • Eriophorum Vaginatum
  • foggy mountains in Healy
  • Winter setting in Healy, AK
  • Winter snow fences
  • Dall Sheep, Denali National Park
  • Fall at CiPEHR
  • Spring at CiPEHR
  • Fall at the Gradient site; credit: E. Webb
  • Snowfences at CiPEHR; credit: S. Natali
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John P. Krapek

John Krapek

Contact Information:



Research Interests

I am broadly interested in plant ecology and taxonomy. Plant communities are the basic drivers of ecosystem production, function, and diversity, and are essential to our understanding of ecosystem dynamics. Within the scope of the Schuur Lab Carbon in Permafrost Experimental Heating Research (CiPEHR) Project, I am interested in understanding how plant communities will respond to experimental warming and drying treatments. Understanding potential plant community shifts in a changing climate will have large-scale implications for ecosystem functions. I am particularly interested in how research can inform policy and management decisions.

Prior to joining the Schuur Lab, I spent time working on a host of botany and wetlands projects for a federal land management agency, a non-profit conservation foundation, and a private environmental consulting firm.

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