• Eight Mile Lake, AK; C. Schädel
  • Eight Mile Lake, AK; C. Schädel
  • Alaska Range; credit: C. Schädel
  • Automated Flux Chambers
  • Eriophorum Vaginatum
  • foggy mountains in Healy
  • Winter setting in Healy, AK
  • Winter snow fences
  • Dall Sheep, Denali National Park
  • Fall at CiPEHR
  • Spring at CiPEHR
  • Fall at the Gradient site; credit: E. Webb
  • Snowfences at CiPEHR; credit: S. Natali
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Emily Romano

Emily Romano

Contact Information:

Research Interests

My research interests are to use field and laboratory methods to study the impact of permafrost thaw on carbon dynamics in the Arctic. The implications of this research are to improve our understanding of how tundra ecosystems will affect and respond to climate change. For my PhD research I will work within the CiPEHR manipulative warming experiment in Healy, Alaska (located 11 miles north of Denali National Park).

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